Hey, guys. I hope you're having a good summer. But, for now, I must bid you all farewell. No, I'm not going to die and I don't plan on leaving the world of the Internet anytime soon, but I must now put an end to High School RPG.
It was a good run. I made some friends, shared some laughs, and made a nice chunk of comics. I'm talking over 250 in less than two years, which is a really decent amount. I have decided to kill it off because now I have become completely uninterested in the project, as have most of my friends. Even some of my online friends don't read it but keep asking me to plug their sites because I generate the most traffic out of all of them, even with the drastic drops I've been receiving.
As of now, I don't know if I will leave the webcomic world. I am mostly considering joining back up with Aftervision and doing movie/DVD reviews, which is something that I have started to take interest in. If I do go back to webcomicing, it will be partnered up with an artist that I know and trust, from real life or not. The problem I had with HSRPG that bored me the most is that I had complete control over it. Nobody else could compromise with me as to how the story should be made or what most of the gags were (I did have some gags from friends though). So I will look for an artist to collaborate with. I will not plug the new project here, as that would be useless.
So I leave you at that. Over 250 comics. Some fantastic, some beyond awful. We shared some laughs and that's what matters the most. To those of you still in high school, my advice to you is to laugh around it. It will go by faster.
And don't believe anyone who says that those are the best years of your life, because they're lying out of their asses and want you to buy school clothing.